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fps smartclient 10.7 CD Developer Edition

Refactoring the IBM i Presentation Layer and Remote GUI Jumpstart

  • Use our template as a catalyst to jumpstart to a more productive user interface for local or remote IBM i business application users

  • it's possible to approach this project as a refactoring of the UI
  • the underlying Smartclient 10.7 is essentially a dynamic transformation expert system
  • easy to install custom repository (using our CD) - great kick-off point for developers
  • smoothest approach for gaining GUI for the existing workforce
  • reduce new user training requirements
  • get a thumbs up from your existing users

Rev Up Your Remote Workforce on IBM i!

  • using only your internal staff, Newlook Developer (from Fresche Solutions) and our fps smartclient 10.7 CD Developer Edition as a guide

What's Included in the fps smartclient 10.7 CD Developer Edition  (Show Expanded Details...)   
  • Solution-quality smartclient custom repository to use as template for derivative works by one end-user company and its developers

  • How-to documents for admins

  • enabling and requiring secure SSL communications for smartclient from remote
  • creating a local SSL certificate on IBM i
  • installing customized smartclient on end user machines

  • User Tutorial PDFs for 3 enterprise accounting applications

  • Introduces equivalent mouse actions as alternative to keyboard interaction
  • works great to use as a visual aid for user training or document template
  • useful for helping developers envision a path to GUI for the in-house system
  • Includes step by step instructions for master file maintenance and transaction entry in several layouts including "full-screen entry"
  • Easy to infer (by developers) IBM i textual UI layouts that are most amenable to dynamic transformation out of the box (so no form-level customization or even extraction steps required!)
  • Underlying PDF source documents (FrameMaker) available by verbal request

  • Repository Contents

  • Base rules for transformation to typographic fonts by data element class

  • Includes form-specific rules and global GUI rules for 3 enterprise accounting applications
  • Global rules that apply to multiple screens, such as when a standardized screen heading layout exists
  • Newlook Developer IDE designer function allows toggle between GUI and textual UI views for each customized form

  • Client side scripts including one-click last report display

  • Includes four 15 minute phone consultations with a smartclient respository developer (within 6 months)

  • Includes 12 months download of smartclient 10.7 FPS v4 category updates, fixes and new build releases
  • gain great interoperability with IBM i business applications directly from remote user's Windows desktop

  • you can refactor the 5250 interface with this solution without changing a single native program!
  • go over the internet with or without VPN
  • slow internet at some user's houses?  No problem!  Lightweight bandwidth requirements...
  • no elevated authority requirements for the user - admin (or power user) credentials not required at run time
  • does require a firewall static IP and port map at corporate
  • retain textual UI visual cues and interaction shortcuts for experienced workers while adding intuitive recognition GUI elements for younger workers and new hires

  • function keys work via key press or button click
  • equivalent keyboard and mouse actions avoid introducing more keyboard to mouse and back hand movements
  • allow workers to retain their keyboard versus mouse preferences - not every department will gain productivity by revolving everything around a mouse click, so no need to force an unproductive change
  • retain the speedy nature of the thin client / textual UI without requiring high-speed internet

Subscription to FP Tutorial Environment(s) Available Separately  (Show Expanded Details...)   
  • Financial Portrait User Tutorial environments offer these benefits and features:

  • Step by step hands-on training on an enterprise level accounting package
  • Separate and complete programs and database enviroment to do as you wish (refreshable for do overs)
  • Evaluation of the Financial Portrait solution on IBM i with minimal investment (and without requiring install of package on local or cloud IBM i server)
  • A case study for application developers and designers to review in advance of developing their own repository or leading their own UI modernization or refactoring project

  • Develop your own custom repository in short order
       using your internal App Dev staff

  • use our repository as a base or as a template during your Newlook Developer trial period and later in your production version

  • take advantage of introductory pricing for the fps smartclient 10.7 CD and custom repository - only $495 per corporate entitity regardless of user count or IBM i processor tier

  • start phase I with only the essence - try out your best global level transformation rules before any form level overrides - prioritize form level overrides in applications needed by remote workers first

  • keep in mind - even with dynamic transformation to typographic fonts and proportional spacing, most mono-spaced alignments are recognized automatically!

  • customizing at the form level is OK but best to minimize in Phase I - even though many changes can still be made to the host version of the screen that won't affect the form-level customization

  • up to 4 fifteen minute phone consultations (within 6 month time frame) from our experts included in the $495 introductory price

  • if App Dev resources are tight, consider QA or Business Analysts personnel for helping identify forms in need of customization

What Isn't Included  (Show Expanded Details...)   
  • Smartclient license (trials available)

  • Newlook Developer license (trials available)

  • Distribution rights of Tegratecs-owned proprietary information or copyrighted works to an outside entity (an entity outside of the licensee end-user company)

  • Financial Portrait server-side license (of course) especially this isn't the focus of this offering, however we do offer a subscription to Financial Portrait Tutorial Environment(s).  The ability to run the tutorials is intended for accounting user training, but may be worthwhile for developers in some cases.

Important - The keys that enable immediate download (directly after purchase) are emailed to the PayPal Account holder used with the purchase (and to a second email address if you are logged in to under a different email address). 

Rev Up Your Remote Workforce on IBM i CD Purchase Offer
fps smartclient 10.7 CD
Developer Edition

 Order Items  (Show Details...)   
QuantityUOMItemDescriptionPriceCurr Code
1EACHE4036NDEfps smartclient 10.7 CD Dev Edition License Fee - e4036n
FPS SC e4036nDE LicF  6 Mn Support sc107CDDE%
1    Total495.00 
(LogIn to PayPal or click Debit or Credit Card)
(both handled via PayPal with option to approve or cancel)
(No CC digits will stored on

$495 US
(get immediate access plus
all subsequent updates
to Version e40* for 1 Year)

Download Keys Delivery  (Show Expanded Details...)   
  • The keys that enable immediate download (directly after purchase) are emailed to the PayPal Account holder used with the purchase.

  • If you are logged in to and your Web User ID has a verified email address that is different, a second set of the keys will be emailed directly to that email address also.

  • If you don't have access to the PayPal account holder email address and aren't logged in to, please contact us after the purchase to let us know how we can assist you (in getting the keys to you, mailing you a CD or by linking accounts via the back office, which may take up to 12 hours depending upon your time zone).

Licensing Terms   (Show Expanded Details...)   
  • This is a license to all of the scripts and presentation layer customization techniques included within the FPS repository, and includes the authorization to make derivative works. 

  • The license goes to the individual doing the purchasing and his/her choice of one end-user company only.  Software service providers, education organizations and ISV(s) are not eligible as end-user company types. 

  • You must tell us the name of the end-user company chosen.

  • Each license is available for broad use by developers and contractors working for the end-user company chosen, for developing and distribution to end-users within the chosen single end-user company. 

  • The license time frame is 4 years.  After 4 years, we may require you to renew the license or indicate you are no longer using any scripts without significant modification.

  • Copying and/or distribution of Financial Portrait forms or data layouts that are obviously proprietary is not a part of this license.  However, you will be able to see all of the forms and their general sequence within our tutorials because we have included them to help you with your work.  What may be interesting is to see the many forms that have no custom overlay (there is only a generic overlay in place for the heading area). 

  • The license includes rights to make derivative works to the scripts, provided existing copyright statements are included in copied or derivative code until at such point the new work is over 50% different than the original version provided and there are new elements of creativity and uniqueness (basically the standard minimum software copyright guidelines for claiming rights and avoiding copyright infringement).

  • Software service providers, education organizations and ISV(s), please contact us.

  • We can sign a license agreement with you if you wish.

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